Morphological and molecular identification of native trichoderma spp. Isolated from soils of agricultural importance
Molecular identification, Trichodermas, Growth promoter, Phylogenetic analysis, Antagonistic fungusAbstract
Trichoderma sp. is a genus of fungus that is being used widely as a sustainable alternative for the control of plant diseases and growth promoter in crops of agricultural importance. It has a great genetic diversity Therefore, this study aims to identify and describe morphologically and molecularly species from different sources as diverse as agricultural soil, crushed tomato, plantain cultivation, pastures, among others. In the study, 17 fungal isolates were found with characteristics in their colonies similar to Trichoderma spp.Which after observing their morphological characteristics were presumptively identified as belonging to this genus. The characterization of its conidiophore, phialides and conidia, showed that these isolates corresponded to the genus Trichoderma spp. Subsequently, it was demonstrated that, the 17 isolates belonged to the genus Trichoderma sp by sequencing, using the ITS1 primers (5 TCC GTA GGT GAA CCT GCG G 3) rDNA, finding 7 different species of the fungus in the study, which were: T. harzianum, T. viride, T. asperellum, T. asperelloide, T. songyi, T. virens and T. brief. From these species, T. asperellum and T. harzianum, are of vital importance because they have been previously identified as effective agents for the biological control of diseases and plant growth promoters and a new door of research with T. breve and T. songyi, is opened since very little is known about the biotechnological application of these.