Alternative technologies and practices for the conservation of corn: result of post-harvest module management
postharvest module, storage technologies, conservation and grain qualityAbstract
The postharvest in corn is threatened by pests that cause loss in quantity and quality of the product. Solutions to this situation must be sought through strategic research that involves local actors. The purpose of the research focuses on the installation and management of a postharvest module as a strategy to evaluate storage technologies and conservation alternatives for corn (Zea mays), for small-scale producers of Community Seed Banks, in the reduction of postharvest losses. Three post-harvest modules were installed and evaluated in three municipalities in the department of Estelí, Nicaragua, during the 2019-2020 period. Likewise, the type of container, product to protect the stored grain and the location of the community seed banks were analyzed and during grain storage, the humidity and temperature of the grain, number of live and dead corn weevils, percentage germination, weight in grams, flotation index and grain hardness. The results of the module evaluation highlight that storage technologies (with conservation alternatives) showed an average decrease of 28% in germination capacity in the municipality of San Juan de Limay located at 400 meters above sea level. In this regard, the storage technology with the control treatment (Without conservation alternative) showed the lowest values in weight of 100 grains and flotation index. The hardness of the grain in conservation technologies and practices showed an intermediate hardness in corn, which is important in the industrial and cooking quality of corn. Hermetic and alternative conservation technologies are a good option to prevent and reduce losses, considering climatic conditions, their appropriate selection and the characteristics of the grain, in order to contribute to the development of more efficient and sustainable strategies in grain preservation. and food security.
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