Preparation and Interpretation of cartoons as a didactic strategy for the learning of Philosophy in Secondary Education


  • Julio César Orozco Alvarado UNAN-MANAGUA, Facultad de Educación e Idiomas
  • Adolfo Alejandro Díaz Pérez UNAN-MANAGUA, Facultad de Educación e Idiomas


This research paper was done at the State Public School Esquipulas in Managua, the group of students belongs to the Eleventh A and B grade, this paper consisted of the elaborating and interpreting cartoons with the purpose to transcend from a didactic memoristic model. This is based on the mental concepts reproduction to a pedagogical model, which allows the understanding of the contents and the development of the competencies such as: autonomy, critical thinking, reflexive and entrepreneur. To achieve this work the research team proceeded by using the socio-critical method and the research action, doing a didactic intervention of seven teaching classes of the philosophy contents of the middle age and Latin-American philosophy. The findings revealed that the students improve their learning on the contents; they significantly learned, and developed their autonomy and critical thinking; and they were more concern in the study of the philosophy subject at secondary school.


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How to Cite

Orozco Alvarado, J. C., & Díaz Pérez, A. A. (2017). Preparation and Interpretation of cartoons as a didactic strategy for the learning of Philosophy in Secondary Education. Torreon Universitario Magazine, (15), 6–24. Retrieved from

