Opportunities of Project Based Learning (PBL) for professional pedagogy at the University of Holguin, Cuba


  • Libys Martha Zúñiga Igarza Universidad de Holguín, Cuba
  • Miguel Alejandro Cruz Cabeza Universidad de Holguín, Cuba
  • Silvia Dotres Zúñiga Universidad de Holguín, Cuba
  • Liana Esther Abreu Medina Universidad de Holguín, Cuba




Opportunities, Project Based Learning (PBL), professional pedagogy


The visible opportunities that project-based learning offers to any level of education in general is evidenced in the experiences shown in the present research from any level of education. As the student advances in more important grades, the interaction between his learning through the elaboration of a project contributes to an ethical and aesthetic behavior that should characterize any worker on the basis of the meanings, senses and professional experiences that the student acquires individually during teaching, labor insertion, and research. The Project Based Learning method, recognized as PBL, is a strength that can be used by professional pedagogy because it is socialized with the working world and constitutes a vocational orientation for students. This article is the result of a documentary research on the PBL method.


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