Urban Environmental Management for the preservation of buildings with patrimonial value in the Civil Engineering course at the University of Holguin, Cuba





Preservation, buildings, environment, heritage value, management


The objective of this research is to provide the students of the Civil Engineering career of the University of Holguin with the conceptual bases on the foundations of the analysis of the Urban Environmental Management and the preservation of the buildings with patrimonial value. With an approach that allows students to work on these topics in a way that conciliates the interests of the natural, built and social environment from a systemic point of view aimed at improving the urban environment and the quality of life of the population. Due to the need to take preventive actions that allow to delay the appearance of pathologies in these. In order to contribute to the solution of this problem, more comprehensive concepts are provided to clarify the intervention activities and promote their correct execution in order to achieve the integrity of the building. With an approach that allows students to work on these issues in a way that reconciles the interests of the natural, built and social environment from a systemic perspective aimed at improving the urban environment and the quality of life of the population. These results are based on the dialectical-materialistic relationship between theory and practice, the historical-cultural approach, the laws of the professional training process. The results obtained were submitted to the consideration of specialists in critical reflection workshops to assess their relevance and feasibility, which guarantees their implementation.


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