The acronyms and their productivity in Spanish

dialectal variation in contact with English


  • Damaris Mayans Universidad de Florida, Gainesville, Florida, Estados Unidos


As Moreno de Alba (2003) considers about Mexican Spanish, there is an influence lexicon verified by the continuous adaptation and incorporation of anglicisms, even sometimes showing a preference for the Anglo-Saxon term e.g. doping when there is a term Castilian getting high. In addition, in the variety of Mexico constructions have been found grammatical that could be an influence of English grammatical times, such as the peripheral construction I am writing to you instead of I am writing to you, phenomenon also found in Spanish in contact in the southwest region of the United States (Silva-Corvalán, 1994)


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How to Cite

Mayans, D. . (2016). The acronyms and their productivity in Spanish: dialectal variation in contact with English. Revista Lengua Y Literatura, 2(1), 1–12. Retrieved from


