Effects of land use change over de peak hydrograph in the 31 of December microbasin, Managua
Hyetograph, hydrograph, models, recurrence-period, rainfall-distributionAbstract
The aim of this research is to estimate the changes in the hydrographs at the 31 of December micro-watershed in Managua city for the sceneries land use 2018 and the projection of land use to the year 2040, applying a hydrological model. For the simulations it was used the Hydrologic Modeling System (HMS) from de Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) from USA. The hydrologic simulation is done for the 31 of December channel with de precipitation depths for return period 10, 25, 50 and 100 years and the rainfall distribution patter from Managua Airport station, for the quartile one and two. In order to estimate the flood hydrograph the Unitary Hydrograph from de Soil Conservation Service (SCS) was used. The results of the simulations indicate that could be an increasing of 9% for the effective precipitation and the maximum discharges from the simulated hydrographs will increase in about 30% as effect of the land use change in the micro-watershed 31 of December, and could represents a possible negative impacts by flooding in the low zones of the micro- watershed studied.
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