Patterns and tenssions of rurality and urbanity in the Metropolitan Region of Managua




Action participation, metropolization, non-urban activities, rurality-ruralization, urbanity-urbanization


Nicaraguan municipalities have gradually taken shape through their inherent physical attribute socio economics conditions, and the regulatory frame works that have evolved over the course of the 20th century. In the case of Managua and its adjoining municipalities have experience the phenomenon commonly referred to as Metropolization, where in the capital serves as the focal point, giving rise to and officially recognized metropolitan area or region, depending on the specific analytical framework employed.

Due to the size and density of human settlements, the core aspect of economic activities and lifestyles, composed of social characteristics, such as heterogeneity, “urban culture” and the degrees of social interaction, regardless of space, demonstrate that for the study of the Managua Metropolitan Region (RMM) and the Metropolitan Area of Managua (AMM),  variables, indicators and criteria in the traditional bibliographic references of metropolitan studies need to be complemented with theoretical concepts and practical actions from architecture and sociology. This is why the present research focuses on presenting, analyzing and justifying the particularities of the approach to urbanity and rurality  based on  their humanistic criteria, composed of sociocultural, economic and environmental values that are directly  related to the drive of the phenomenon of metropolization, in contrast to the results obtained during the initiative of the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería [UNI], through the Research Department and the University Extension Department , specifically within the Comprehensive Studies Program on Habitability and Territory  (PEI:HyT ), framed within the line “Design, Construction, Urbanism and Territory”.


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Author Biographies

Marcela Carolina Galán-Gaitán, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Nicaragua

Arquitecta, Decana (2022-2026) y docente Titular de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Con experiencia en la coordinación y ejecución de investigaciones en temas de ordenamiento territorial; urbanismo y metropolización; gestión integral de riesgo, socioculturales y patrimoniales, entre otros. Implementados proyectos de desarrollo en la docencia con temas de cambio climático, gestión de riesgo y hábitat sostenible, desde el enfoque de los ODS y la “Nueva Agenda Urbana”. Realizando procesos formativos de posgrado, grado y cursos libres a funcionarios públicos y población en general y coordinados proyectos de la UNI con MINED, We Effect, TROCAIRE y ALMA-AMB-UNI.

Blanca Azucena Traña-Rivera, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Nicaragua

Socióloga, con maestría en Gerencia Social: Políticas, programas y proyectos, con especialidad en Cultura de paz, Investigación socio económica local (FLACSO Costa Rica) y Emprendimiento social (Universidad de Monterrey – México). Colaboradora en investigaciones en temas de ordenamiento territorial, urbanismo, equidad de género, gestión de riesgo, cambio climático y patrimonio. Implementación y fortalecimiento de capacidades en sistematización de experiencias exitosas. Parte del equipo del proyecto UNI-MINED, We Effect, TROCAIRE y ALMA-AMB-UNI.



How to Cite

Galán-Gaitán, M. C., & Traña-Rivera, B. A. . (2023). Patterns and tenssions of rurality and urbanity in the Metropolitan Region of Managua. Revista Arquitectura +, 8(15), 13–36.


