Semiotic Language in Architecture: Between signs and meanings
Architecture, Semiotics, Semiology, Language, PedagogyAbstract
Giving a methodological sense to the teaching-learning processes in architecture is essential for the training of both students and teachers. Therefore, within the framework of the research titled "The Nine Languages of Architecture," a characterization is provided for various languages that constitute architecture. This document integrates semiotic language not as a capricious or vain act; on the contrary, it seeks to recognize semiotics beyond a concept and the simplicity of its meaning (which is by no means simple). This recognition infuses a profound dogma of its entire logic, use, and development within the education of future architects, particularly when aiming for its integration into everyday professional life. Additionally, when exploring authors and thinkers on semiotics in architecture, an immersion is evident among professionals from other disciplines, presenting extensive knowledge. This impact influences researchers involved in this orthodox theme in the foundation of architecture. The methodology of this essay stems from a central investigation titled "The Nine Languages of Architecture," defining a qualitative-descriptive approach that involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to explore meanings and interpretations. Although this essay does not conclusively define the use of the term semiotics or semiology, it provides guidelines regarding its usage and general applicability within the architectural domain.
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