Subjective and objectives factors in academic performance in the Banking and Finance Career, FAREM-Carazo, UNAN-Managua


  • José Daniel Guido Chávez UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-CARAZO


One of the greatest challenges that any higher educational institution deals with, is to determine the quality of teaching within its educational system, one of the ways used to measure it, is "Student´s Academic Performance". A question that appear in the national education system is: Is the evaluation of the students’ academic performance considering each one of the factors associated with it in the superior educational system? The set of subjective and objective factors which have impact on this parameter and the breadth of its application makes its assessment complex.

Through the application of qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques, such as: surveys, interviews, focus group with students, which were processed according to the nature of each variable of study, the factors with the highest incidence of academic performance were identified.


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How to Cite

Guido Chávez, J. D. (2017). Subjective and objectives factors in academic performance in the Banking and Finance Career, FAREM-Carazo, UNAN-Managua. Torreon Universitario Magazine, (15), 25–42. Retrieved from

