Didactic model of labor formation of the students of Bachelor’s Degree in Education Construction from the Main Integrative Discipline (MID), University of Holguin, Cuba





Didactic model, labor formation, integrative main discipline, labor qualities


The Discipline Investigative Labor Formation, which integrates the Study Plan of the Bachelor`s Degree in Education Construction, is recognized as a Main Integrative Discipline (MID), and guiding the formation process of the professional with a broad profile. The present research arises from the need to solve the inadequacies of the professional teaching-learning process of the Main Integrative Discipline, which limits the labor formation of the students in their performance, from the conception of a didactic model of labor formation from this discipline. Scientific research methods were used, such as: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, modeling and structural systemic, which allowed designing the didactic model of labor formation from the MID. The Authors propose the didactic model of labor formation of the students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the MID for the development of their labor qualities. The present study responds to the institutional project Improvement of the didactic of the technical sciences of the careers of Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Education in Construction and is part of the results of the doctoral thesis of the main authors.


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